Greeting Card

Add an extra touch of luxury with a personal message! A gift is always so much nicer when it is a little more personal. So add this fully customisable card to your gift. Not only does it save you a last-minute search for a suitable card, the design also matches your Luxury For Men gift perfectly. Unleash your creativity and create your personalised design for the lucky recipient. We will then print it on a stylish gift card. This is delivered in a matching envelope and immediately added to your gift. Complete your luxury gift with our personalised greeting card!
Greeting Card
Greeting Card

Luxury For Men is your online inspiration platform for exclusive products and gifts for men. For bon vivants who like smart and affordable luxury. From exclusive drinks, bracelets, fashion items and care products to unique work essentials and lifestyle gadgets. You'll find the perfect gift at, even when it's just for you!

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Greeting Card

Add an extra touch of luxury with a personal message! A gift is always so much nicer when it is a little more personal. So add this fully customisable card to your gift. Not only does it save you a last-minute search for a suitable card, the design also matches your Luxury For Men gift perfectly. Unleash your creativity and create your personalised design for the lucky recipient. We will then print it on a stylish gift card. This is delivered in a matching envelope and immediately added to your gift. Complete your luxury gift with our personalised greeting card!
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