Tresanti cotton sweater - dark blue

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Stay classy with this Tresanti sweater! This dark blue round-neck sweater is made of 100% high-quality cotton with a ''Never Play It Safe'' detail in 3D-print on the front. The sweaters have a hidden zipped pocket on the side, super convenient to store your keys, phone or coins. Whether you’re looking for something to keep you warm in mid-winter or on those cooler summer nights, this sweater is comfortable all year long! Tresanti believes that every man is a sinner in his own way and that there's nothing wrong with that. Furthermore, it's what makes him interesting. This is why there is some 'sin' in every piece of clothing. For the man that embraces his little vices, because he knows that's what distinguishes him from the rest. The man who doesn't always go for the safest option: Never play it safe
tresanti cotton sweater dark blue
tresanti cotton sweater dark blue <li><a href="/shop/featured-brands/tresanti/shirts.html">(Polo) Shirts</a></li> tresanti cotton sweater dark blue tresanti cotton sweater dark blue tresanti cotton sweater dark blue

Tresanti believes that every man is a sinner in his own way and that there's nothing wrong with that. Furthermore, it's what makes him interesting. This is why there is some 'sin' in every piece of clothing. For the man that embraces his little vices, because he knows that's what distinguishes him from the rest. The man who doesn't always go for the safest option: never play it safe!

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Tresanti cotton sweater - dark blue

Stay classy with this Tresanti sweater! This dark blue round-neck sweater is made of 100% high-quality cotton with a ''Never Play It Safe'' detail in 3D-print on the front. The sweaters have a hidden zipped pocket on the side, super convenient to store your keys, phone or coins. Whether you’re looking for something to keep you warm in mid-winter or on those cooler summer nights, this sweater is comfortable all year long! Tresanti believes that every man is a sinner in his own way and that there's nothing wrong with that. Furthermore, it's what makes him interesting. This is why there is some 'sin' in every piece of clothing. For the man that embraces his little vices, because he knows that's what distinguishes him from the rest. The man who doesn't always go for the safest option: Never play it safe
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Dimensions Available in different sizes
Material Cotton
Your selection Dark blue
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