World's End

The World's End rums tell the story of 16th-century explorer Nathaniel Winter, who set off for adventure from Sagres in Portugal, also known as 'the End of the Known World'. There, the vastness of the ocean and thoughts of the life that lays underneath the surface strikes you. It must be daunting to set off without knowing what you might encounter. With these rums, you join the discovery and adventure of surprising encounters.

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The World's End rums tell the story of 16th-century explorer Nathaniel Winter, who set off for adventure from Sagres in Portugal, also known as 'the End of the Known World'. There, the vastness of the ocean and thoughts of the life that lays underneath the surface strikes you. It must be daunting to set off without knowing what you might encounter. With these rums, you join the discovery and adventure of surprising encounters.