Kamado's & Accessories

Fire up Flavour, Ignite Fun With Kamado Barbecues!

Indulge in the ultimate outdoor cooking experience with a Kamado barbecue, an investment that will revolutionise your grilling and cooking experience. With exceptional versatility and precise temperature control, these grills empower you to explore various cooking styles easily. The ceramic grill construction imparts mouthwatering flavours, while fuel efficiency ensures longer cook times and reduces environmental impact. Whether you're a seasoned grill master or a passionate home cook, a Kamado bbq guarantees extraordinary results. Don't settle for ordinary grilling; embrace the extraordinary with the best Kamado grill.

  1. Everdure
  2. Yakiniku
  3. Boretti
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Why is a kamado barbecue so unique

Kamado barbecues, originating from ancient Japan, have emerged as a fascinating culinary phenomenon in modern times. These remarkable grilling bbqs have captured the hearts of outdoor cooking enthusiasts worldwide due to their exceptional versatility and superior heat retention capabilities. With a history dating back thousands of years, Kamado grills have truly stood the test of time, embodying a perfect blend of tradition and innovation. The uniqueness of Kamado grilling lies in its design and functionality. Unlike typical grills, Kamados are constructed from thick ceramic materials, which not only provide excellent insulation but also allow for precise temperature control. This insulation enables them to retain heat efficiently, resulting in a remarkably consistent cooking experience. Furthermore, the adjustable vents on a Kamado allow for precise airflow management, giving chefs the ability to achieve a wide range of temperatures suitable for various cooking styles, from low-and-slow smoking to high-temperature searing. Another distinguishing feature of Kamado barbecues is their ability to impart exceptional flavours to the food. The ceramic egg walls absorb and radiate heat evenly, resulting in a gentle, radiant heat that locks in moisture and enhances the natural flavours of meats, vegetables, and even baked goods. This unique cooking environment, combined with the versatility to use various types of fuel such as charcoal, hardwood, or even pellets, provides chefs with endless opportunities to experiment and create tantalizing Kamado recipes. The versatile Kamado offers many cooking methods, each with its unique benefits. Let's explore these cooking techniques in greater detail.

Slow cooking on a Kamado bbq

There are distinct differences between slow cooking on a kamado or smoking on a kamado. When it comes to slow cooking on a Kamado, you have the flexibility to prepare mouthwatering dishes like roast beef or pulled pork. The Kamado's precise temperature control and excellent heat retention make it ideal for achieving low temperatures. To begin, heat the Kamado to a relatively low temperature, typically around 70-120 degrees Celsius, and allow the meat to cook gradually until it reaches the desired tenderness. This slow and gentle cooking process ensures that the meat becomes incredibly tender and succulent, resulting in a delightful dining experience. A Boretti Kamado can achieve some of the best Kamado recipes for slow cooking!

Smoking on a Kamado

One of the unique features of this ceramic bbq is its ability to maintain a low temperature, which sets it apart from ordinary BBQs. This makes it perfect for calmly smoking meat or fish, whether you prefer hot or cold smoking. To achieve shorter smoking sessions, simply sprinkle a handful of wood chips onto the glowing charcoal. For longer sessions, opt for chunks of wood. Keeping the dome temperature between 65 and 90°C allows your ingredients ample time to absorb the delectable flavours of the smoke, resulting in a truly delicious culinary experience.

Making delicious pizza on your kamado barbecue

To use a pizza stone in your Kamado, you can create a pizza oven-like environment by setting up a multilevel lift with a heat shield/plate setter and a standard grid. Place the heat shield at the bottom and the standard grid at the highest level. This setup prevents the pizza stone from getting too hot and burning the pizza's bottom. Before placing the pizza on the stone, sprinkle some flour or cornmeal on it to prevent sticking and gauge its temperature. The pizza stone should be heated to at least 300 degrees Celsius, with the ideal baking temperature ranging from 350 to 400 degrees Celsius. Maintain a closed Kamado as much as possible to avoid temperature drops. Bake the pizza for 5 to 10 minutes, depending on size and thickness, until the edges brown and the cheese slightly grills. Experiment with different toppings and enjoy the process of making a perfect pizza, starting with a homemade tasty dough. A perfect one for baking pizza or bread is the Yakiniku Kamado, which is available in different sizes such as a Yakiniku compact or Yakiniku Kamado large.

Kamado Grilling

Grilling on a kamado involves cooking ingredients quickly at higher temperatures, requiring your attention to turn and achieve a desirable grill window. Using a cast-iron grid is recommended to achieve that perfect sear. The dome temperature for grilling typically ranges from 180 to 250 °C, with the ingredient placed directly above the charcoal glow. This direct method of grilling allows for precise control and customization based on the specific food being cooked. For instance, steaks may require higher temperatures compared to delicate fish fillets. Stay attentive and adapt the temperature accordingly to achieve deliciously grilled results.